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Springs Forth!

Detectives of Divinity 20 Lessons (5 for each age level) :: Nighttime Sleuthing & More!

Detectives of Divinity 20 Lessons (5 for each age level) :: Nighttime Sleuthing & More!


  • 20 Full Bible Lessons (5 for each age level)  as PDF downloads


  • Ideal for ALL ages:
    • Preschool
    • Children grades 1-5
    • Youth
    • Adults


Detectives of Divinity Nighttime Sleuthing is a traditional curriculum package with five sessions of Bible stories, activities, crafts, snack suggestions, worship, offering projects, skits, decoration ideas, graphics and more. But this curriculum isn’t just for children! There’s also a stream of five lessons for youth, and another five lessons for adults. So, if a congregation wants all ages to study the same stories together, it’s all here: preschool, grades 1–5, youth (grades 7–12), and adults.

The Bible Story is presented in several ways:

  • The Biblical Background information for the leaders
  • The opening sketch
  • Reading the story from the Bible


  • Session One: God Surprises Moses, Exodus 3:1-6
  • Session Two: The Shunammite Woman, 2 Kings 4:8-37
  • Session Three: Nighttime Sleuthing with Nicodemus, John 3:1-21
  • Session Four: Jesus Loves Children, Mark 10:13-16
  • Session Five: Blown Away, Acts 2:1-13, 37-41
  • Consider a FREE sample of a lesson HERE.
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Did you know...

Diego + Dakota are on the lookout for all the ways God shows up for us yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Our friend, Lydia, is loving her Detectives of Divinity class (see her t-shirt!). Our all-ages curriculum allows for parents, aunts, siblings, cousins, grandparents and friends to join in the same lessons and stories curated for each age group from preschool and children to youth and adult.

Discover God's Love

Springs Forth! lessons are written from an Anabaptist perspective as an inclusive Christ-centered curriculum.